


hdhp -没有你想象的那么可怕






Sometimes the work done by Claims really can result in a treasure being preserved. 在尼斯诉翡翠岛案中, Gregory and Diane Nies owned a piece of oceanfront residential property in the town of Emerald Isle.  当小镇经过一个20英尺. easement to be able to pick up trash and drive emergency vehicles on the dry sand beach, 这对退休夫妇提起诉讼,声称该镇“侵占”了他们家门前的干沙滩,这片沙滩位于燕麦沙丘的海边,一直延伸到平均涨潮线.  The Nies contented that they should have been compensated for the loss of their property.

这个案子经过了高等法院的审理, The NC Court of Appeals and the NC Supreme Court and the Nies lost at every level.  就在北卡罗来纳州最高法院辩论之前, 倪夫妇卖掉了房子,搬走了, 但太平洋法律基金会接手了这个案子,并在北卡罗来纳州最高法院辩称,对干沙滩的权利是最重要的权利之一, 北卡罗来纳州法律悬而未决的问题.

之后,北卡罗来纳最高法院裁定,干沙滩自古以来就属于公众, the Pacific Legal Foundation appealed this case to the United States Supreme Court. When one of the justices expressed an interest in learning more about the case, before the nation’s high court decided on which cases it might hear next term, NCLM和Brian Edes报道, 市镇律师, felt it necessary to prepare a reply brief for justices to read before their discussion.

在收到简报后,美国政府决定采取行动.S. 最高法院拒绝审理此案.  This was a huge case for every citizen who walks on and enjoys the beaches of North Carolina.  如果享受海滩的权利被剥夺了, 这对每一个沿海社区和游客来说都是灾难性的,他们长期以来一直享有享受北卡罗来纳州海滩的权利.

This is another example of the Claims department fighting for its member municipalities.

J. 我是索赔部主任史蒂文·李

hdhp -没有你想象的那么可怕

This month the League’s Risk Management Services staff has been traveling the state, 与成员城市和城镇举行午餐和学习会议,讨论可用的保险选择, 什么覆盖我们的成员想要和需要, and answer any questions folks have about health insurance and risk management. 在这些午餐和学习, 与会者有兴趣了解到365足彩下载的健康福利信托基金提供高免赔额的健康计划, 而且这种类型的报道并不像他们最初想象的那么可怕.

HDHPs can seem extreme if you don’t understand how they work, but can save you money if you do. 很多关于hdhp的恐惧来自于可怕的故事,巨额的免赔额让员工自己承担所有的医疗费用, 但是在过去的几年里, new requirements have emerged to protect employees from those scenarios.

365足彩下载的健康福利信托基金提供了限制免赔额的hdhp,并通过自付最高限额和其他保障措施为员工提供保护. 例如, 一个合格的HDHP计划可以有低至1美元的免赔额,每人350元加2元,700 per family; and maximum out of pocket expenses are capped at $6,每人650元,13元,每户500元.

我们的午餐和学习与会者惊喜地得知,hdhp允许大量的规划设计灵活性, such as pharmacy copays and optional co-insurance after the deductible is met. HDHP plans also cover age related cancer screenings and other wellness benefits at 100%. The League takes this benefit one step further and does not have age or frequency limitations, 这是365足彩下载独有的无限福利,在北卡罗来纳州没有任何其他供应商提供. HDHP计划还包括100% (e)的预防性药物.g. 胆固醇, 血压, 和其他人), to encourage participants to take their prescribed medications as directed by their physician.

那么HDHP实际上是什么呢? It’s a health insurance plan that has a higher deductible and lower premium than traditional plans. 合格的hdhp可以包括一个健康储蓄账户,个人或家庭-和/或他们的雇主-将钱存入可用于医疗费用的账户.

随着预期退休人员健康成本的上升,健康储蓄账户(HSAs)在退休计划中越来越受欢迎. 的账户, 只有符合资格的HDHP计划的人才可获得, 为员工提供以下几点好处:

  • They offer a “triple tax” benefit where fund contributions can be payroll deducted pre-tax, 账户余额可以免税增长,没有上限/限制, 资金可以免税用于符合条件的支出.
  • HSAs是便携式的,可以随换工作的员工一起旅行.
  • Unlike a Flexible Spending Account, HSAs are not a “use it or lose it” product.
  • Funds can be invested like an IRA or 401(k) plans and can help employees build wealth.

虽然对HSAs没有余额限制, 个人和家庭每年都有供款限额. The 2018 HSA maximum contribution limit for an individual with self-only coverage will be $3,450. The 2018 HSA maximum contribution for an individual with family coverage will be to $6,900.

For employers, HDHPs can make a lot of sense when considering premiums and risk exposure. 这取决于雇主选择哪种HDHP计划设计, 这比传统计划节省了很多钱. 例如, a traditional plan that the Health Benefits Trust offers might run $582 per employee, 每个月, 而HDHP 5000计划的费用为每位员工442美元, 每个月,每个员工可以节省140美元, 每个月, 哪一个才是真正的累加. 转移到HDHP节省的保费可以贡献到员工的HSA账户,以抵消他们的自付费用.

就风险而言, hdhp将索赔费用转移给员工,直到达到免赔额, 降低了风险. 也, 员工健康仍然是管理风险和费用的优先事项——雇主可以奖励员工的健康努力,健康福利信托的健康要求仍然存在.

But, the most important piece of the employer savings is that consumerism happens! Employees will have more control over their healthcare spending and decision-making. 一般, 员工将寻求更低成本的设施和处方, and begin asking questions that are important to their budgets and health.

While HDHPs and HSAs may not be a product that is right for every employer, 对于许多寻求省钱和提供高质量服务的城镇来说,这是一个很好的选择, 为员工提供灵活的保险. 如果您对员工的HDHP可能是什么样子有疑问,或者只是想了解更多关于这些计划如何工作的信息, 我们是来帮忙的. Contact Julie Hall, the League’s Director of Health Programs at (919) 715-4000.


The League welcomed Matt Reid as our newest risk control consultant in October 2017. Matt在风险管理方面有超过20年的经验,他从弗吉尼亚市政365足彩下载保险项目来到我们这里, 他在那里担任高级安全顾问. 他的工作包括就风险管理和损失控制问题向市政官员提供咨询和培训,以帮助减轻责任风险. He was also responsible for analyzing employee injury and illness statistics, 为风险管理和职业安全健康项目的制定和实施提供建议和协助. Matt拥有弗吉尼亚联邦大学安全与风险管理学士学位和宾夕法尼亚印第安纳大学安全科学硕士学位.


马特是西布伦的居民, 他将为我们在中部地区的会员服务, 作为新的四个地区外地事务结构的一部分. He is available to help members with their risk management needs including:

  • 风险识别
  • 风险缓解
  • 安全培训
  • 要求分析
  • 设备检查
  • 意外及伤害预防

Members are encouraged to contact Matt for assistance with the risk control needs. 他的手机号码是919-404-1857.


咳嗽、流鼻涕、打喷嚏和喘息在每年的这个时候都很常见. 当我们进入假期和寒冷的季节, 帮助你和你的家人保持健康, 快乐, 和特拉多克相处得很好. 我们的委员会认证医生通过应用程序全天候可用, 网络, 或电话, and they can help diagnose and treat your illness from the comfort of your home.

你会不会是上呼吸道感染? Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are some of the most common illnesses we face each year. Did you know that colds, sinus infections, and acute bronchitis are all URIs? 而秋冬是它们的旺季.

uri非常容易被捕获, 因为咳嗽或打喷嚏传播的细菌可以传播到6英尺远! 预防的关键是了解自己和他人的症状,这样如果你不舒服,你就可以避免与病人接触或传播疾病. Washing your hands often is equally important in helping to deter the spread of URIs.

咳嗽或擤鼻涕时痰浓或变色, 这通常是一个可靠的信号,表明你可能不仅仅是在与季节性过敏或流鼻涕作斗争. 其他URI症状通常包括:

  • 发热
  • 头疼 
  • 疲劳或疲劳
  • 咳嗽或喘息
  • 鼻塞或流鼻涕
  • 喉咙痛或吞咽时疼痛

症状往往会在几个小时内出现. 好消息是,你有一些方法可以得到一些缓解:

  • 在你恢复的时候,在你的房间里放一个蒸发器或加湿器:潮湿的空气有助于你呼吸和睡眠.
  • Drink lots of fluids: When you’re battling a URI, you can easily get dehydrated. (Fun Fact: hot herbal tea with honey and lemon can help soothe a sore throat; the steam from the cup can help you breathe a little easier too!)
  • 充分休息:时间是恢复的关键部分. 你也不想让你的身体在恢复健康的过程中过度劳累.
  • Treat your headache with an appropriate pain reliever: No need to hurt when you don’t have to. You’ll want to make sure that the type of pain reliever that you use (e.g.阿司匹林、对乙酰氨基酚、布洛芬等.) works best for you and isn’t already contained in any other medications you’re taking.
  • Use a decongestant for a stuffy nose: A decongestant can help open nasal passages and dry up mucus.
  • 避免吸烟和咖啡因:烟雾会刺激你的上呼吸道系统,当你患有支气管炎时尤其令人烦恼. 咖啡和软饮料中的咖啡因会导致脱水.

不太好的消息是,如果长时间不接受适当的医疗治疗,uri可能会变得更糟. 例如,如果不及时治疗,支气管炎可导致肺炎. URI的原因可能是病毒, 这是最常见的, 或细菌, 但只有细菌感染可以用抗生素治疗. Regardless of which type you have, Teladoc can help diagnose and treat your illness. 如果需要药物治疗, 医生可以把处方送到你选择的药房.


365足彩下载的风险管理服务部继续评估和扩大执法计划,为参加工人赔偿信托基金和财产和意外事故信托基金的成员提供服务.  These programs were reviewed and endorsed by our Police Chiefs’ Advisory Committee. 有关以下机会的更多信息, 联系汤姆·安德森, 公共安全风险管理顾问, tanderson@NCLM.咨询电话:704-517-8496.

Dangerous Crossroads Ahead: The Intersection of the First and Fourth Amendments (1-day, 4个接触小时)

In this timely class, the present-day law enforcement challenges are detailed.  其中包括拒绝确认身份, 拒绝回答问题, 与旁观者打交道, 对警官不敬, 拍摄警察活动及警察设施, 有关人员安全问题, 武器检查, and the seizure of cameras or cell phones that have recorded police activity.

使用武力:决策, 降级, 为警察培训师和警官提供被动抵抗课程(1天), 8小时接触时间)

这次训练的目的是提高对武力知识的运用, 物理技能, 决策, 以及使用武力的适当记录. 除了, 这一培训将提供一种专门为执法人员使用武力而设计的决策程序,这种决策程序适用于所有级别的武力.

这是抵抗军最常见的遭遇, 消极抵抗, 将是主题用来涵盖四个要素教. 理解和认识被动语态之间的区别, 活跃的, 致命抵抗提高了专业知识和决策能力. The training will also focus on de-escalation skills and physical control tactics and techniques.




本课程是为高层管理人员设计的,培训那些能够积极影响政策的官员, 实践, 发展, 和实现. The training will increase the student’s comprehensive knowledge of use of force issues, 传导电子武器, 法庭案件, 和培训. 将进一步关注最近的相关法院判决,例如第四巡回法院在Armstrong v/s Pinehurst案中关于泰瑟枪使用的裁决.